Monday, June 6, 2011

It was a long day.

I have so much to tell you! I had so many events today! But lets start from the beginning. I woke up and was tire becuz I was up till like 2 writing the story. I slumped out of bed and ate breakfast and went to school. Then I learned... Ugh. At recess and lunch Whiskfang and I worked on our movie that we are making called time capsule for the future... I'll tell u later. Then afterschool I was a judge for the talent show at our school. and let me tell you... our school has alot of talent. But by the end the people were getting bad. Then I got home and watched the season finale of ABDC (America's Best Dance Crew) and the two finalists were really good but the one that won wasn't the one i wanted to win. Wow alot of ones or alot of wons? That is the question one won one won one won one won. Anyways then i took a shower... *sarcastically* yay. Now I'm blogging! and guess what! I'm going to make a new blog! its going to be called "greetings from different beings" and every now and then i will post on it and it will be from an alien, a wizard, a zombie, etc. go follow it! (once its up) and I say goodbye as i always do.

-@ugie the craziest person in the world

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